Jannat Movie Dialogues: Jannat is an Indian crime-romance Hindi film released in 2008. The movie features Emraan Hashmi and Sonal Chauhan on lead roles. The movie got a sequel entitled “Jannat 2” in 2012. You will also like to check all thefamous dialogues of Jannat 2.
Jannat Hindi film is the story of a street smart youngster Arjun (Emraan Hashmi) who is very good at guessing and making money from it. He moves out of small-time card games and become a bookie. Below is the complete list of all the famous hit Jannat Movie Dialogues lyrics in writing.
Jannat Hindi Film is directed by Kunal Deshmukh and produced by Mukesh Bhatt. The movie released on 16th May 2008 with a run time of 140 minutes. The movie has a tagline of “In Search Of Heaven…“. I hope you like all the famous quotes status of Jannat.