What Is Wordpress (A Brief Description And Benefits)

What Is WordPress and Why Should We Use WordPress

What Is WordPress and Why Should We Use It

The article will show you a brief idea about “what is WordPress” and “why should we use WordPress“. The article will give you a brief idea about WordPress, its facility that makes WordPress special from other platforms. Many of us think that WordPress is only a blogging website. But after reading it you will able to know the versatile facility that comes with WordPress.

What is WordPress

WordPress is an open source online software. that is used to create beautiful websites and blog. It is written in PHP. It is the easiest and flexible blogging and content management system (CMS) for beginners. One can create a fully functional website and mobile application using this.


Nowadays most of the websites are developed using WordPress. Many famous blogs, news network, company website, music website, celebrity and other personal and professional websites are using WordPress these days. The best part of WordPress is one doesn’t require any coding knowledge to create a website using WordPress.

How Does WordPress Work

In the earliest days of the Internet, generally, websites are created using the different programming language like HTML, PHP, CSS to format text, create a page layout, display images etc. Using these things one need to create different web pages of the website and then upload the same to the web server. Our web browser reads the code and displays that particular web page. It is a lengthy process and takes time.


But today using WordPress, you can install the WordPress software on your web server in few minutes. Once installed your website is ready to live. Once the WordPress is installed on the web server, then just login to your site using your favorite web browser and then use a simple editor and create web pages without learning the code.

It can be downloaded for self-hosted installation from wordpress.org or it can also be used as a hosted service via wordpress.com. Many of the hosting providers like Godaddy, Dreamhost, Namecheap, Hostgator are providing a 1-Click Installation for WordPress. Below is the list of some of the key points that makes WordPress so popular.


Also Check: How To Getting Started With WordPress

Why Should We Use WordPress

  1. WordPress is Free And Open Source: WordPress is a free and open source platform for everyone. Open Source means thousands of people are constantly working for its improvement all over the world.
  2. No Required of Coding Knowledge: One does not need to learn web design and development coding to use WordPress. Simple English knowledge is sufficient to use WordPress
  3. Flexible and Extensible: Without knowing the coding knowledge we can change the look and different facility of the websites using themes and plugins available for WordPress. Most of these themes and plugins are free to use but some premium plugin needs some payment.
  4. Easy To Use And Learn: You don’t need to hire a web designer for small changes on the WordPress website. You can easily modify and create your own content. WordPress comes with built-in updater, that allows you to update your WordPress, themes, and plugins from the WordPress admin dashboard. It notifies when an update is available. You can keep all your WordPress content safe by setting an automated regular backup.
  5. Easy To Find Support: If you are facing any difficulty in using WordPress or any theme or any plugin or any custom features, then you can easily get the solution from different WordPress tutorial website. Addition to this several official WordPress fora is there for discussion. It is one of the best places to get the solution.
  6. WordPress is Safe and Secure: WordPress is developed by taking care of the security. So it is considered as quite safe and secure to run a website with WordPress. However, just like the real world, the Internet can be an uncertain place.
  7. Ability To Handle Different Media Types: Apart from text content, WordPress is able to handle images, audio, and video content. It can be also used for document and file management. WordPress also supports the embedded code from youtube, twitter, Instagram, SoundCloud etc.
  8. Search Engine Friendly: WordPress websites are normally SEO friendly. There are several SEO plugins are available to use, which will guide you to create an SEO friendly content. The same plugin will guide you on over SEO and help you to modify the old content in SEO friendly way. This will results in a good page rank for SERP
  9. Control of Your Own Content: Other websites puts a limit to you on what you can do on the website. But in WordPress, there is no boundary for the facility. As per the requirements use the theme and plugins. If your requirement is not fulfilled by the old themes and plugin, Then hire a developer so that he will include that facility for you to the WordPress. You can also import your old website data from blogger, Tumblr or any other blogging site on the WordPress site as well as export your data from WordPress if you don’t want to use and wish to move to another platform. Total control is at your hand.

Hope this article gives you a brief idea about WordPress and its facility. If you use WordPress then only you will able to know the true power of WordPress. If you have any doubt or want to share something with others on the above topic, then share your thought through comments. We will go through that and try to communicate with you very soon.


About the Author

Mihir Prasad Mahanta

Research and sharing of idea helps me to become a successful blogger for different niche like technology, sports, entertainment and health.

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